Brainlife is an open-source, free, and secure platform for reproducible neuroimaging data analysis.

I had the great opportunity to take part in a huge international collaborative effort to build, an online platform to accelerate scientific discovery through automated data management, large-scale analyses, and visualization. The platform was born to democratize neuroscience across institutions and scientists by promoting principles of rigor, transparency, and fairness. tackles the reproducibility challenges in neuroscience by jointly providing code, data, and computing resources for neuroimaging data analysis. Pipelines and workflows integrated into the platform allow researchers efficient execution of consecutive steps of analysis on multiple datasets, a unique mechanism for tracking the reproducibility of scientific experiments. Moreover, group-level statistical analyses and machine learning methods can be executed within the platform, which also provides an easy way for data and code sharing.

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Brainlife is a community-oriented project led by the Pestilli Lab at UT-Austin, and contributed to by over ten additional research groups and institutions.

Citation: Hayashi, S., Caron, B. A., Heinsfeld, A. S., McPherson, B., Bullock, D. N., Bertò, G., Niso, G., Hanekamp, S., Levitas, D., Ray, K., MacKenzie, A., Avesani, P., Kitchell, L., Leong, J. K., Koudoro, S., Willis, H., Jolly, J. K., Pisner, D., Zuidema, T. R., . . . Pestilli, F. (2024). Brainlife.Io: A decentralized and open-source cloud platform to support neuroscience research. Nature Methods, 1-5.